Friday 6th May, we took over Level 1 of Agincourt Hotel. With a collaborative effort between and Auralization, some of Sydney's headliner DJ's and visual artists, we explored the concepts of PERSPECTIVE.
We drew inspirations from concepts such as the french animation Gandahar and the Japanese Manga classic Serial Experiments Laine.
Schmick proudly presented Aphelia Cox for a killer set alongside Animatic, Alexander, Neon Agenda and Paul Pearlstone with his debut live set of Symphonic Hip Hop.
If you missed Animatic's set, hit play below and have a listen.
All these amazing artists and an exceptional crew, were grateful to bring about this silent disco event and hopefully challenge your own perspectives, leaving you all with lasting memories.
Dr Rohde in pictured below has recorded his after-party live set and has shared it here, enjoy!
 Behind Dr Rodhe is some of the featured artwork that we managed to sneak back afterwards.
What is perspective to you? How does it change?
Low Key Austin, Playhaus, Van Rahn and Bobby Gray turned up the variety while Bernie Davies nailed his unique interactive visual art to the roof and walls.
How do you / others challenge it and why?
Thanks to everyone who made the night so special!
We hope to see you all very soon.
Contact us for private silent disco hire …